Account Help

  • Creating Account Error Message

    Error Message: That Email Is Already In Use. We use email addresses provided during checkout to track orders for guests and customer accounts. If you received an error message that says that the email is already in use, it means the email address has already been used to place an order. Follow t...
  • How to Create a Customer Account

    This is a step-by-step guide on how to create a customer account. If you think you have an existing account, do this test. We track customer accounts by the email address you use. Filling out the New Account form will do one of two things based on the email address you enter. A) Create an accou...
  • I'm not getting your email.

    Not Receiving our emails? 1. Check your Spam Folder - If you are already expecting an email from our system, our email might be in your spam folder. 2. Check your Blocked Email List - Some email systems have filters that block our automated emails. Please check to see if we're on your list of bl...
  • Safe Sender Email List

    Safe Sender List These are the only emails we use. Please add them to your contact list to ensure you receive our emails. Affiliat...