Product FAQ

  • HELP! Methylene blue stains!

    Removing Methylene Blue Stains There's nothing quite like the horror of a methylene blue stain where you don't want it! Below, I will cover removing methylene blue from different surfaces, tissues, and materials. Skin, nails, & hair. Oral. Dental & dental appliances. Fabric & Uphols...
  • How do I use methylene blue?

    Unfortunately, we can't give you much guidance on how to use methylene blue. We have been selling methylene blue longer than any other wellness company, and there is a valid reason for this... We diligently abide by FDA regulations. Many fly-by-night methylene blue companies are giving out inform...
  • Why Does my Aspirin Smell Like Vinegar?

    Preservative-free aspirin can develop a slight vinegar odor over time in a sealed bottle due to a small percentage of the aspirin breaking down into acetic acid ( vinegar ). It is safe to use if there is no evident moisture or discoloration within the bottle.